首页 » pADL-23C plasmid vector噬菌体展示系统质粒载体 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心

pADL-23C plasmid vector噬菌体展示系统质粒载体 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心

  • 价  格:¥989865
  • 货  号:pADL-23C
  • 产  地:北京
BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心
联系人:Dr.Xu, Biovector NTCC Inc.

电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号)




pADL-23C plasmid vector噬菌体展示系统质粒载体

The pADL™-23c phagemid is a type 3+3 phage display vector with a cloning site for display on the N-terminal side of the full length gene III protein. Secretion in the periplasm of the fusion protein is driven by the PelB leader peptide. A HIS tag and a
Myc tag followed by an amber codon are conveniently located before the gene III protein. Phage display will be done using
bacterial strains that suppress the amber codon while growth on non-suppressive strains will result in the expression of free
scFvs or Fab fragments in the periplasm space; a classical application of this vector is the production of free scFv and
detection of its binding through the Myc tag.
The pADL™-2x phagemid vector series offers optimal characteristics for phage display with optimized expression of the
fusion protein for strong display, suppressible amber codon to direct the fusion either as a gene III fusion or as a secreted
free entity, cloning site amenable to multiple cloning strategies and varied linker and display options. The fusion protein is
under the control of the lac promoter, allowing metabolic repression by glucose and induction by IPTG. A copy of the
lambda t1 terminator located downstream gene III prevents leakiness of the transcription during induction, in particular
preventing excessive expression of the beta-lactamase and rapid consumption of ampicillin.
The vector contains two origins of replication, the f1 origin, which packages the single-stranded phagemid DNA into nascent
virions, and the pMB1 origin of replication derived from pBR322, which results in a high-copy-number phagemid; the pMB1
sequence lacks the rop gene and carries a point mutation in the RNAII transcript (G 2975 in pBR322 to T 1304 on the reverse
complement strand; Lin-Chao 1992)

Supplier来源:BioVector NTCC Inc.
Website网址: http://www.biovector.net

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