NTCC® NA05090 LCL DNA-BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心Coriell NA05090
- 价 格:¥59850
- 货 号:NTCC®-Coriell NA05090
- 产 地:北京
- BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心
- 联系人:Dr.Xu, Biovector NTCC Inc.
电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号)
- 已注册
Name:NTCC® NA05090 LCL DNACategory分类:DNACat#货号:NTCC®-Coriell NA05090Size/Quantity数量: 1 VialBiosafety Level生物安全级别:1Shipping Info运输方式: RTStorage储存方式: 4CSpecies物种来源: Age年龄: 28 YRGender性别: MaleDescription描述: MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, BECKER TYPE; BMD | DYSTROPHIN; DMDRemarks: Clinically affected; Becker type; diagnosed at age 8; progressive muscle weakness; calf hypertrophy; by age 27 there was proximal muscle weakness, increasing difficulty in coming to standing position, inability to extend ankles to 90 degrees, markedly weak quadricep muscle with inability to extend legs against gravity at the knees; seizure disorder; elevated CPK; muscle biopsy showed inflammatory and fibronic changes (processed by formal and fixed parafin section analysis); donor subject has a deletion of exons 3-5 in the dystrophin gene as determined by multiplex PCR; same donor as GM05089 FibroblastAlternate IDs其他编号: Cell Type细胞类型:
LCLSource组织来源: LCLGene: DMD Disease疾病类型: Mutations突变: EX3-5DELKaryotypes核型: Cytogenetics: Mutation description突变描述: Origin: Transformants: Alias别名: Images图片:References参考文献:Supplier供应商:BioVector质粒载体菌株细胞蛋白抗体基因保藏中心
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