JHUCS-1 Cell line细胞株-BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞蛋白抗体基因保藏中心
- 价 格:¥49300
- 货 号:JHUCS-1 Cell line细胞株
- 产 地:北京
- BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心
- 联系人:Dr.Xu, Biovector NTCC Inc.
电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号)
- 已注册
JHUCS-1 Cell line细胞株
Comment Japanese uterine carcinosarcoma. Nude mousetransplantable.
Animal human
Subspecies Japanese
Sex Female
Age 56 years
Tissue uterus
Morphology epithelial-like
Anchoraged Yes
Medium (DMEM:HamF12=1:1)+15%FBS
Antibiotics Free
Growthtemp 37oC
CO2concentration 5%
Passagemethod 0.05% trypsin+0.02% EDTA or0.25% trypsin+0.02% EDTA
Splitratio 1:8 split
Subculturefrequency 1-2 times/week
Lifespan infinite
Mycoplasma -
Isozymeanalysis LD, NP
Chrdistrb 45-49(50):45(1),46(6),47(40),48(2),49(1)
ShortTandem Repeat OK
Originator Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. & Yamada, K.
Depositor Ishikawa, Hiroshi
(DMEM:HamF12=1:1)+15%FBS+ 100 U/ml penicillin G sodium (option); 100 µg/mlstreptomycin sulfate (option);
The cell line designed JHUCS-1 was establishedfrom a carcinosarcoma (malignant mixed mesodermal tumor) of the uterus that wassurgically removed from a 57-year-old Japanese woman. We carefully examined thehistopathology of the original tumor after the cell line was established andnoted differentiation into a neuroendocrine carcinoma within the tumor'sepithelial components. Immunohistochemical staining of the tumorous tissue thathad been heterotransplanted was positive for Leu7. Additionally, secretarygranules were observed in the grafted cells as determined by electronmicroscopy. These results support the existence of neuroendocrine cells withinthe JHUCS-1 cell line.
Reference :
Yamada, Kyosuke, Tachibana, Toshiaki, Iida, Yasushi,Ueda, Kazu, Misawa, Akihiko, Suzuki, Nagazumi, Takahashi, Hiroyuki, Kato,Hiroyuki, Kimura, Eizo, Yasuda, Makoto, Tanaka, Tadao, Ishikawa, Hiroshi HumCell 2004; 17:139-44.
PubMed ID: 15859159
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